sphere.js | |
Sphere renders a mathematically perfect textured sphere. It calculates the surface of the sphere instead of approximating it with triangles. | /*jshint laxcomma: true, laxbreak: true, browser: true */
(function() {
"use strict";
var opts = { tilt: 40
, turn: 20
, fpr : 128
frame count, current angle of rotation. inc/dec to turn. |
var frame_count = 10000;
var gCanvas, gCtx;
var gImage, gCtxImg;
Variable to hold the size of the canvas |
var size;
var canvasImageData, textureImageData;
Number of frames for one complete rotation. |
var fpr = 800;
Constants for indexing dimentions |
var X=0, Y=1, Z=2;
vertical and horizontal position on canvas |
var v, h;
var textureWidth, textureHeight;
var hs=30; // Horizontal scale of viewing area
var vs=30; // Vertical scale of viewing area
NB The viewing area is an abstract rectangle in the 3d world and is not the same as the canvas used to display the image. |
var F = [0,0,0]; // Focal point of viewer
var S = [0,30,0]; // Centre of sphere/planet
var r=12; // Radius of sphere/planet
Distance of the viewing area from the focal point. This seems to give strange results if it is not equal to S[Y]. It should theoreticaly be changable but hs & vs can still be used along with r to change how large the sphere apears on the canvas. HOWEVER, the values of hs, vs, S[Y], f & r MUST NOT BE TOO BIG as this will result in overflow errors which are not traped and do not stop the script but will result in incorrect displaying of the texture upon the sphere. |
var f = 30;
There may be a solution to the above problem by finding L in a slightly different way. Since the problem is equivelent to finding the intersection in 2D space of a line and a circle then each view area pixel and associated vector can be used define a 2D plane in the 3D space that 'contains' the vector S-F which is the focal point to centre of the sphere. This is essentialy the same problem but I belive/hope it will not result in the same exact solution. I have hunch that the math will not result in such big numbers. Since this abstract plane will be spinning, it may be posilbe to use the symetry of the arangement to reuse 1/4 of the calculations. |
Variables to hold rotations about the 3 axis |
var RX = 0,RY,RZ;
Temp variables to hold them whilst rendering so they won't get updated. |
var rx,ry,rz;
var a;
var b;
var b2; // b squared
var bx=F[X]-S[X]; // = 0 for current values of F and S
var by=F[Y]-S[Y];
var bz=F[Z]-S[Z]; // = 0 for current values of F and S
c = Fx^2 + Sx^2 -2FxSx + Fy^2 + Sy^2 -2FySy + Fz^2 + Sz^2 -2FzSz - r^2 for current F and S this means c = Sy^2 - r^2 |
var c = F[X]*F[X] + S[X]*S[X]
+ F[Y]*F[Y] + S[Y]*S[Y]
+ F[Z]*F[Z] + S[Z]*S[Z]
- 2*(F[X]*S[X] + F[Y]*S[Y] + F[Z]*S[Z])
- r*r
var c4 = c*4; // save a bit of time maybe during rendering
var s;
var m1 = 0;
double m2 = 0; |
The following are use to calculate the vector of the current pixel to be drawn from the focus position F |
var hs_ch; // horizontal scale divided by canvas width
var vs_cv; // vertical scale divided by canvas height
var hhs = 0.5*hs; // half horizontal scale
var hvs = 0.5*vs; // half vertical scale
var V = new Array(3); // vector for storing direction of each pixel from F
var L = new Array(3); // Location vector from S that pixel 'hits' sphere
var VY2=f*f; // V[Y] ^2 NB May change if F changes
var rotCache = {};
function calcL (lx,ly,rz){
var key = ""+ lx +","+ ly +","+ rx;
if (rotCache[key] == null){
rotCache[key] = 1;
} else {
rotCache[key] = rotCache[key]+1;
var calculateVector = function(h,v){
Calculate vector from focus point (Origin, so can ignor) to pixel |
V[Y] always the same as view frame doesn't mov |
Vector (L) from S where m*V (m is an unknown scalar) intersects surface of sphere is as follows L = F + mV - S ,-------. / \ -----m------ | S<-L->| <-V->F \ / `-------' L and m are unknown so find magnitude of vectors as the magnitude of L is the radius of the sphere |L| = |F + mV - S| = r Can be rearranged to form a quadratic 0 = am² +bm + c and solved to find m, using the following formula___________ m = ( -b ± \/(b²) - 4ac ) /2a |
Where a, b and c are as in the code. Only the solution for the negative square root term is needed as the closest intersection is wanted. The other solution to m would give the intersection of the 'back' of the sphere. |
s=(b2-a*c4); // the square root term
if s is negative then there are no solutions to m and the sphere is not visible on the current pixel on the canvas so only draw a pixel if the sphere is visable 0 is a special case as it is the 'edge' of the sphere as there is only one solution. (I have never seen it happen though) of the two solutions m1 & m2 the nearest is m1, m2 being the far side of the sphere. |
if (s > 0) {
m1 = ((-b)-(Math.sqrt(s)))/(2*a);
L[X]=m1*V[X]; // bx+m1*V[X];
L[Z]=m1*V[Z]; // bz+m1*V[Z];
Do a couple of rotations on L |
var lx=L[X];
var srz = Math.sin(rz);
var crz = Math.cos(rz);
var lz;
var sry = Math.sin(ry);
var cry = Math.cos(ry);
Calculate the position that this location on the sphere coresponds to on the texture |
var lh = textureWidth + textureWidth * ( Math.atan2(L[Y],L[X]) + Math.PI ) / (2*Math.PI);
%textureHeight at end to get rid of south pole bug. probaly means that one pixel may be a color from the opposite pole but as long as the poles are the same color this won't be noticed. |
var lv = textureWidth * Math.floor(textureHeight-1-(textureHeight*(Math.acos(L[Z]/r)/Math.PI)%textureHeight));
return {lv:lv,lh:lh};
return null;
* Create the sphere function opject
var sphere = function(){
var textureData = textureImageData.data;
var canvasData = canvasImageData.data;
var copyFnc;
if (canvasData.splice){
2012-04-19 splice on canvas data not supported in any current browser |
copyFnc = function(idxC, idxT){
canvasData.splice(idxC, 4 , textureData[idxT + 0]
, textureData[idxT + 1]
, textureData[idxT + 2]
, 255);
} else {
copyFnc = function(idxC, idxT){
canvasData[idxC + 0] = textureData[idxT + 0];
canvasData[idxC + 1] = textureData[idxT + 1];
canvasData[idxC + 2] = textureData[idxT + 2];
canvasData[idxC + 3] = 255;
var getVector = (function(){
var cache = new Array(size*size);
return function(pixel){
if (cache[pixel] === undefined){
var v = Math.floor(pixel / size);
var h = pixel - v * size;
cache[pixel] = calculateVector(h,v);
return cache[pixel];
var posDelta = textureWidth/(20*1000);
var firstFramePos = (new Date()) * posDelta;
var stats = {fastCount: 0, fastSumMs: 0};
return {
renderFrame: function(time){
stats.firstMs = new Date() - time;
this.renderFrame = this.sumRF;
for (var key in rotCache){
if (rotCache[key] > 1){
sumRF: function(time){
stats.fastSumMs += new Date() - time;
if (stats.fastSumMs > stats.firstMs) {
this.renderFrame = this.RF;
RF: function(time){
RX, RY & RZ may change part way through if the newR? (change tilt/turn) meathods are called while this meathod is running so put them in temp vars at render start. They also need converting from degrees to radians |
add to 246060 so it will be a day before turnBy is negative and it hits the slow negative modulo bug |
var turnBy = 24*60*60 + firstFramePos - time * posDelta;
var pixel = size*size;
var vector = getVector(pixel);
if (vector !== null){
rotate texture on sphere |
var lh = Math.floor(vector.lh + turnBy) % textureWidth;
/* lh = (lh < 0)
? ((textureWidth-1) - ((lh-1)%textureWidth))
: (lh % textureWidth) ;
var idxC = pixel * 4;
var idxT = (lh + vector.lv) * 4;
/* TODO light for alpha channel or alter s or l in hsl color value?
- fn to calc distance between two points on sphere?
- attenuate light by distance from point and rotate point separate from texture rotation
Update the values of the pixel; |
canvasData[idxC + 0] = textureData[idxT + 0];
canvasData[idxC + 1] = textureData[idxT + 1];
canvasData[idxC + 2] = textureData[idxT + 2];
canvasData[idxC + 3] = 255;
Slower? |
canvasImageData.data[idxC + 0] = textureImageData.data[idxT + 0];
canvasImageData.data[idxC + 1] = textureImageData.data[idxT + 1];
canvasImageData.data[idxC + 2] = textureImageData.data[idxT + 2];
canvasImageData.data[idxC + 3] = 255;
Faster? |
/* copyFnc(idxC,idxT); */
gCtx.putImageData(canvasImageData, 0, 0);
function copyImageToBuffer(aImg)
gImage = document.createElement('canvas');
textureWidth = aImg.naturalWidth;
textureHeight = aImg.naturalHeight;
gImage.width = textureWidth;
gImage.height = textureHeight;
gCtxImg = gImage.getContext("2d");
gCtxImg.clearRect(0, 0, textureHeight, textureWidth);
gCtxImg.drawImage(aImg, 0, 0);
textureImageData = gCtxImg.getImageData(0, 0, textureHeight, textureWidth);
hs_ch = (hs / size);
vs_cv = (vs / size);
this.createSphere = function (gCanvas, textureUrl) {
size = Math.min(gCanvas.width, gCanvas.height);
gCtx = gCanvas.getContext("2d");
canvasImageData = gCtx.createImageData(size, size);
RY = (90-ry);
RZ = (180-rz);
hs_ch = (hs / size);
vs_cv = (vs / size);
var img = new Image();
img.onload = function() {
var earth = sphere();
var renderAnimationFrame = function(/* time */ time){
/* time ~= +new Date // the unix time */
BAD! uses 100% CPU, stats.js runs at 38FPS |
function renderFrame(){
earth.renderFrame(new Date);
setInterval(renderFrame, 0);
Better - runs at steady state |
(function loop(){
earth.renderFrame(new Date);
}, 0);
Best! only renders frames that will be seen. stats.js runs at 60FPS on my desktop |
img.setAttribute("src", textureUrl);